Okay my friends, a little perspective please…. Granted, Obama made a good decision but that’s as far as I am willing to go. Those that then add the words brave, courageous and decisive to describe him, even if only referring to this one particular act, lose me. In fact comments along those lines anger me. I am not sure if this is a fair analogy but I am somewhat reminded of a child that is so unruly and ill-behaved that when he finally acts normal, everyone oohs and aahs over him for being such a wonderful little boy. Johnny, you didn’t poke the cats eye out with that stick, you are such a good boy!
Let’s break away from my cynicism for just a moment and look at the facts. UBL was directly responsible for more American deaths than anyone man in history, we have been looking for him for 10 years, we have lost many other brave American service men and women while conducting this search and we have spent countless billions (possibly trillions) doing so. That is the brief history so now let’s look at last week. They come to Obama and tell him, “we got him, we got UBL, what do you want to do”? Obama now has basically 3 options; 1- do nothing and let him go, 2- attack with missiles or 3- send in elite forces. Initial reports from Obama’s administration said that Obama first replied that he was unsure of what action to take. Obama wanted to sleep on it and that he would get back to them the next day. This is understandable since he only had 3 years to think about it. So much for his amazing decisiveness.
Hopefully he did not consider option 1 for too long but we will never know. The remaining two options both have pros and cons, as is the case with most decisions but either one would have worked. I think most agree with option 3 being the best since we then had proof of his death and also got to recover what is reported to be a huge amount of intel. So yes, Obama made a good decision.
In conclusion I want to share with you two things that I keep thinking about that deeply disturb me. As of this writing, Eric Holder with Obama’s backing and support continues to investigate and consider prosecuting the CIA operatives that obtained the info that ultimately lead up to the killing of UBL. Information that was obtained while using then approved and legal methods of interrogation. This is simply disgusting. These CIA members are no less heroes than the Navy SEALS that carried out the final phase of the operation. Lastly keep in mind we only know what the government wants us to know. What if Obama sent the SEALS in with orders to capture and arrest UBL so Obama could read him his rights and bring him to trial. Yes I am being paranoid but this is certainly more typical of Obama’s M.O.. Maybe the SEALS made a tactical decision while on the ground to kill him. Do you seriously think Obama would not jump on board and take credit for this “brave” act?
Thank you and God bless, Doug Lang