Monday, March 21, 2011

Border Security. What Am I Missing?

Can someone out there set me straight on why securing the border between the U.S. and Mexico is such a touchy subject. Frankly I do not even understand why the subject is debated. The fact that it is fiercely debated blows my mind. Why is enforcing current border security laws something we have to discuss on whether to pursue or not? Is there an open debate raging today on whether or not we should enforce drunk driving laws or spousal abuse laws or any other existing law? How does a deep desire to keep the country safe make someone a racist?

I see border security as an issue un to itself. National security, illegal drug smuggling, kidnapping, murder and illegal immigration, while linked to border security are entirely separate issues and we can talk about them until your hearts content. But not until the border is completely secure.

Please do not talk to me about the cost of securing the border and our current fiscal situation. Especially since the lack of border security is one of the main reasons we are in this financial mess. The amount of money we spend as a nation on problems associated with an open border is staggering. While I do not have the statistics to back it up, I am sure that every dollar we spent on securing the border would come back to us in savings. Our cities, states and federal government would save a fortune if we did not have to deal with the afore mentioned problems from having such a porous border.

So what is the answer to my question? I suppose it is just good ole politics as usual. Our wonderful elected officials do not want to alienate the illegal aliens. After all, everyone of them is a potential voter. Do every American and legal resident a favor and seal up that border!!

Thank you , Doug Lang

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