Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Emails to Bill O'Reilly

Is there anyone out there that has ever been able to get through to this guy? My lovely wife and I have become fans over the last year or so and have tried on several occasions to get an email read on air. I know he probably gets thousands of emails a day but i suppose on those rare occasions I feel I have written something very witty, it would be nice to get through and hear my pearls of wisdom read aloud.

I plan on using this blog for much more serious matters in the future (i.e. the disaster in Japan and the state of our own nation) but for now let's just consider this a "test blog" since it is my first attempt and i am just trying to see how this works.

tks, dal

1 comment:

  1. I, too, have tried... and I'M pithy. To prove it , I'll stop typing right now.
